The easter period can usually be hit and miss. This bank holiday weekend has proved to be a huge success, we sold 6 houses over the weekend four of which were from viewings that took place from Friday to Monday.

Filming at burton office for new website

filming for new website

Our new website www.anderson-dixon.com features video marketing, telling our customers about us and what we do for them. The whole team got involved in the production and we are looking forward to seeing how it comes out.

branston property sold in 1 week

Eric insrtucted Dave to sell his house on Thrift Road, Branston in early March 2011. The property was sent to matching buyers and the office at Anderson-Dixon achieved a sale within One week. This is down to correct pricing (some the same are 10k more not sold) and knowing your buyers.

Eric was so pleased, that he hand delivered a bottle of champagne to Dave which Eric recieved in 1998 from Westbury homes on completion....

Correct pricing + knowing your buyers = SOLD